
Something About This Blog... And the Beggining

I want to creat a little corner dedicated to all those who firmy believe that the power of love and art can change the world for the best. I will be posting as much as I can about my thoughts and my likes mostly toward art in general. I want to clarify that I'm not even close to be an art critique or anything alike, I just want to share what I think/feel about somethig I am passionate about, in hopes you can feel something similar or just appriciate the content and discover something new. Really hope you like and support my job. You can also follow my Instagram account (@loveandlustclub), it would mean a lot for me. To start this journey that I've been willing to start with since 2011 but never felt comfortable enough, the first post is about one of my current fovourite artists. His name is Ivan Alifan; a young Rusian artist who is capable to express through his art, his possition regarding different themes, but mainly about sexuality and its role in modern society. His